Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wealth Inequality vs. Foreclosure Crisis

Interesting article on this subject, with good statistic backup:  "Is income inequality to blame for the Great Recession? There are several ways to try to explain the potential connection between income inequality and economic crises. Bruce Judson of the Yale School of Management describes a "Governance Problem," whereby the wealthy use their increased income to control the levers of power to further consolidate their advantages ("insulate, insulate, insulate" as Sherman McCoy might say). The history of financial sector deregulation over the last thirty years tracks this rise in income equality. And many of the economic gains over this period can be traced to the financial sector."

See the full article with excellent graphs:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ray-brescia/when-the-rich-get-risky-i_b_695535.html

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sick to Death of Poor Government!

I'm sick to death of the very poor government we get stuck with, decade after decade.  Who else thinks the watered-down education received at public high schools is a major reason we continue to suffer from this crap?  Sure, there are plenty of good and great teachers; sure there are plenty of students who graduate and go on to become productive members of society.  Sure, parents should and do have a major responsibility to educate their children.  However, the schools still turn out millions of unthinking masses, who don't have even basic analytical skills, skills need to think for oneself.  This is my point. 

By the way, although I have my own liberal values, I have lots of friends who are conservative and rational, and whom I respect.  My point or desire is not to produce more liberals, it's to produce more and better informed citizens, period.  All of society would benefit, and it would not cost any more money than is already spent on education, our money.

In the mean time, I seriously want to see a disclaimer added to each high school diploma that includes "The education provided by this high school is in no way meant to prepare you for the real world. Any similarity between it and the tools to think for oneself is purely coincidental, yadda yadda." Help me fill in the yadda yadda if you agree.