Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Russians have Nothing over the GOP

The Russians have Nothing over the GOP.

The Russians did a good job of mucking with our 2016 elections, the full impact we have yet to discover.  However, they have a long, long way to go before they match the success of the GOP.  Think about it:  the GOP came up with a long range plan to capture state legislative seats, planning for the 2010 census and re-districting that comes with it.  Having succeeded at that step, they then created the most gerrymandered Congressional Districts in our country's history.  This resulted in the GOP taking solidifying it's hold on the House of Representatives.  

Next, they attacked the hours and days that polls are open, cutting them way back, for what reason there can only be one answer, to discourage people from voting.  Also, they got many districts to purge their list of eligible voters, deleting many voters who had every right to continue voting.  

Seriously, the Russians have a long, long way to go before they can match that success.  Oh, I forgot to mention the many federal judgeships that the GOP first massively delayed being filled under Obama, and now have set records in filling those empty benches.  This action will continue to support their twisted agenda for decades.  

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